Human Rights Ensured

The company complies with the principles of internationally recognized basic labor human rights, including the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "International Human Rights Code" and other internationally recognized human rights standards, and treats and respects current employees and their contracts with dignity. We implement the following guidelines and through perfect communication, education and advocacy to achieve the protection of their rights, and strive to create an optimal workplace with harmony and equal rights.

- Employee educating and training: including the prohibition of child labor, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment and protection of equal job opportunities.

- Prevention of workplace bullying: Advocate and assist employees from time to time to jointly create a friendly working environment with zero workplace bullying.

- Provide complete occupational safety training: including fire training,
safety and health education and publicity, and emergency response meeting arrangements to provide employees with a safe and healthy working environment.

Safety Assurance of Employees

1. Conduct fire safety inspections semiannually
2. Daily maintenance of environmental sanitation and cleanliness
3. Security control for personnel entering and exiting
4. Various drills for emergency response
5. Annual physical check-ups for all employees
6. The management department continues improving all the facilities to create a safe, healthy, comfortable, and friendly working environment.

Employee Welfare

Sentronic has an employee welfare committee to implement various welfare. Including bonuses for marriage, childbirth, birthdays, funerals, travel, emergency relief, and New Year; subsidies for weddings, funerals, childbirth, and employee education training. Last but not least, shareholding and dividends.

Retirement Arrangement

Sentronic formulates Employee Retirement Regulations according to the Labor Standards Act and forms a labor retirement reserve supervising committee. We allocate 6% of the total salary as a retirement reserve fund each month in line with the new labor pension system implemented on July 1, 2005, and deposit it in the name of the committee at the Central Trust Bureau.